Rec Basketball
Our coed basketball clinic is for 1st and 2nd graders from Wanaque Borough. It runs Saturday mornings at Wanaque School from 9am-10:15am starting in January and going through February. There are no set teams, we teach skills and run through drills. As they progress we will break up into small teams for scrimmages. Each participant will receive a t-shirt.
Our rec/intramural basketball program is for children in third through eighth grade from Wanaque Borough. Practice starts in December and games begin in January and typically run through the end of February/March. Practices and games are held in various gyms (Haskell School, Wanaque School, and the Wanaque Community Center-formerly the St. Francis School gym). Teams are gender specific but multiple grades are aggregated so we can have multiple teams at each level. We also play teams from Ringwood Rec basketball.
Age Groups & Team Structure
- Boys 3rd/4th Grade
- Girls 3rd/4th Grade(play at 8.5' baskets)
- Boys 5th/6th Grade
- Girls 5th/6th Grade
- Boys 7th/8th Grade
- Girls 7th/8th Grade
Travel Basketball
Our Travel program is open to children from Wanaque/Haskell in 3rd through 8th grade.
Practice starts in November with the first games of the season starting at the beginning of December.
The season runs through the end of February with playoffs at the beginning of March. Games and practices can be any night of the week but games are mostly Saturdays and Sundays.
Travel time to most opponents is 30 minutes or less.
The boys play in the North Jersey Junior Basketball League (NJJBL) and the girls play in the North West Bergen Passaic (NWBP) Basketball League.
**Travel basketball requires a separate uniform purchase.
Age Groups & Team Structure
- Boys 3rd Grade
- Girls 3rd Grade(play at 8.5' baskets)
- Boys 4th Grade
- Girls 4th Grade (play at 8.5' baskets)
- Boys 5th Grade
- Girls 5th Grade
- Boys 6th Grade
- Girls 6th Grade
- Boys 7th Grade
- Girls 7th Grade
- Boys 8th Grade
- Girls 8th Grade
Any questions, email [email protected]